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  • EXPATS Junior research group: 2023-2027

  • Teaching activities

  • A documentary on women in science

    We too: what they don't tell you

  • My first research project tradeprec-cycle 2020 -2023 : precipitation in trade wind cumulus clouds

  • Be the doctor your parents always wanted you to marry

  • Randy Olson - "Don't be such a scientist"
  • "Il mare e' lo stesso da prima che l'uomo potesse persino navigare in barca" (E. Hemingway)

  • Alice: " Per quanto tempo e' per sempre? "

    Bianconiglio: " A volte, solo un secondo. "

    Lewis Carroll - Alice nel paese delle meraviglie

  • my EUREC4A campaign on board Maria S. Merian

I am a researcher in meteorology and cloud physics.

From my blog

wetoo: the video

2022-12-02 11:24:07

Wetoo: raccontare il progetto.

2022-04-29 09:26:04

Toscana no glamour

2022-01-12 14:04:39

Il Libano raccontato da Francesca Mannocchi

2021-11-09 14:16:07

But I am not only a scientist: creating projects is fun, in many different fields :)