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Wetoo: what they don't tell you

A documentary on women in science.

The atmospheric boundary layer: the layer where we live - Sept 2021

What is the atmospheric boundary layer and why it is so important to study it? We live and work in the boundary layer, and we barely know what this layer is, and how it behaves. It is crucial for renewable energies and it is poorly observed from satellites. That's why we need PROBE: we measure the vertical profile of this thin atmospheric layer to safeguard our health and that of our children.

I hope you will enjoy this video I realized in collaboration with Roberto Romani for the PROBE Cost Action and with the financial support of the COST Action.

One month in the middle of the ocean: how does it look like?

This video is a minor attempt to show a little bit of how life goes on a research vessel, doing research in the middle of the ocean, looking at clouds and rain. I was so lucky to be part of this, and I can simply say it was amazing.

The campaign was the EUREC4A campaign, that took place between Jan and Feb 2020. I was on the Maria S. Merian research vessel and I was measuring clouds and rain with two radars, that you can see in the video.

What can the PROBE network do for you? - march 2020

Sometimes it is hard to imagine what a European COST action can really do. Here, I tried to explain with a short video, what the PROBE network really does. PROBE stands for PROfiling the atmospheric Boundary layer at European scale... long name to say that we try to develop a european network of people that observe profiles of the lowest atmospheric layer, the one were we all live. It is a challenge, believe me... find out more in the video!

5 questions on climate change from the ITaRS network - Feb 2014

It is sweet to watch today this short movie I made during the first year of my Phd. Listening to some young girls saying that averybody would listen to a child that has something important to say... and think that a few years later the world listened to Greta Thunberg... made me think :)


Dancing tango in Cologne - Jul 2015

Just a nice memory, of me dancing tango with my friend Oriel, in Cologne.

What is tango for En Tus Brazos - May 2014

I realized this video together with Harmonie, when we were trying to start our tango school in Cologne. The name, Mutluluk, comes from Turkish language and means happiness, the happiness you can feel while dancing tango.

Science at the pub, in Cologne - Jan 2018

This was the first and unique time in my life that I tried to play a role, in a sort of comedy. The occasion was, as always, to talk about climate change in the contest of a pub. One of those science at the pub events, where some nerd scientists try to communicate about what they do everyday. Yes, I did that too... and it was fun! The group was the climcommcoln and we put a lot of effort in this whole thing... never again :) everything else but not playing :) hahahahha