The whole group of US and European scientists
fixing the radar to the stable table
Me and Rainer checking screws of the radar
On the peil deck of the ship, installing
The radars finally installed :)
We installed all out instruments on the ship which will take part to the EUREC4A campaign at the end of October 2019.
(english below)
Di colpo, il tempo ha cominciato a correre che neanche I cento metri piani di Usain Bolt. Ha galoppato problemi e drammi, cadenzato discussioni e litigi, vegliato nelle notti passate alla caccia della pioggia. Rallentava solo nelle mie notti sul ponte della nave, a chiaccherare con l’ufficiale di bordo di turno.
Se ci penso, faccio ancora fatica a crederci. Fa tutto parte, in qualche modo, di un mondo immaginario, con una sua aura di mistero. Il ponte della nave, il posto dove si siede il capitano, e tutti i monitor e i mille sensori. Qualcosa di inarrivabile, di mitico.
One month in the middle of the ocean:
how does it look like?
This video is a minor attempt to show a little bit of how life goes on a research vessel, doing research in the middle of the ocean, looking at clouds and rain. I was so lucky to be part of this, and I can simply say it was amazing.
The campaign was the EUREC4A campaign, that took place between Jan and Feb 2020. I was on the Maria S. Merian research vessel and I was measuring clouds and rain with two radars, that you can see in the video.